Cookie policy

A cookie is a small text file that a website saves on your computer or smart device when you visit a website. This allows the page to remember your actions and preferences (such as language, font size, and other view preferences) so that you don't have to reconfigure them every time you go to the page or move from one page to another on the portal. They make your web experience easier by storing browsing information. Cookies help us to improve both our website and your user experience.

We also use other similar technological tools, such as [web beacons/pixel tags]. When this document refers to cookies, these technological tools are also meant.

Why do we use cookies?

We use cookies on our website, and we allow third parties with whom we cooperate to use cookies on our website for the following purposes.

Make websites available and customized for you

We use cookies to make our websites available to you and to customize them for you, for example, by obtaining information about which websites you use and how fast your network connection is.

Service analysis and development

We use Google Analytics to analyze website traffic. Its data helps us understand the behavior of page users and make our site better. This software uses a large number of cookies to help us find out if visitors have visited the website before. If such cookies exist on your computer, your browser will notify us; if you don't already have them, they will be offered to your web browser. This way, we can find out the number of our individual visitors and how often they visit our site. These cookies are used for statistical purposes only and cannot be used to identify individual visitors.


We and our third parties use cookies to advertise and to increase market segments and target groups. Thanks to cookies, we can see which websites you visited before using our website and whether you saw or clicked on an ad. This information allows us to decide which ads to show when you use our site.

How to manage cookies?

You can check and/or delete cookies as you wish. You can also disable cookies, but in this case, there is a possibility that not all features of the page will work as they should. You can delete all cookies already on your computer, and most web browsers can be set not to accept them. Different browsers offer different ways to manage cookies.

How do I turn off cookies?

If you decline cookies, you can turn them off under "Cookie Settings" on our page. However, if you do it, certain services and features may not be available.